It’s a set of skills you can learn. 

You don’t need to feel stuck in confusing patterns. 

You can learn how to communicate in ways that make you both feel seen and heard

An Intensive can help.

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Designed to accelerate your relationship goals


Maybe you’ve spent months in weekly therapy sessions and aren’t seeing the change you’d hoped for, or perhaps you lose the thread of what you want to work on from one week to the next. Your relationship may be in crisis, and you need help fast before things unravel…or maybe your life is hectic, and setting aside an hour a week for months of therapy doesn’t work for you.

Do any of these sound like you?

An Intensive might be a great fit.

Relationship Intensives are designed to support your schedule and goals. They allow you to progress through your relationship concerns and pain points in a more focused way than the traditional 55-minute, weekly session.

Instead of meeting weekly or every other week for less than an hour, we meet for several hours a day over two days.

The Intensive structure is designed to maximize your time and progress. By eliminating the need for regular check-ins and updates, we can focus on the core issues. This allows for a more efficient use of your time and a deeper exploration of your relationship dynamics.

It’s like driving at a steady speed instead of stopping at every red light!

What is a relationship therapy intensive?

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What if your relationship could shift in just one week?

What if, instead of spiraling into conflict or ignoring each other for hours or days, you could communicate in ways that build trust and resiliency?


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Before we begin

Before we begin the Intensive, you and your partner will complete an assessment to help me better understand your histories and the relationship's helpful and hurtful patterns.


To prepare for the Intensive, we will meet for a virtual 90-minute session to explore your assessment and goals and map out the Intensive schedule. After that session, I will send you some suggested reading and some "cheat sheets" for how you can start thinking and speaking about your relationship. Just by changing the way you think about the relationship, you'll start to see things shift.

During The Intensive

During the Intensive, we will work closely together to decrease pain points and reactivity while increasing your connection experience and enhancing your relational resiliency.
The Intensive is based on PACT, the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy, widely recognized as an exceptional modality for helping couples gain deeper insights into themselves and their relationship and reestablish a solid and meaningful connection with each other.

How does a relationship intensive work?

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We want you to leave the Intensive knowing how to spot and get out of trouble quickly.

This skill will help you shift how you engage in conflict.

I’ll guide you both to clarify what leads to conflict, hurt feelings, and disconnection in the relationship. Then, we will implement new ways of thinking and communicating to help you feel more connected and resourced with each other.

If it would be helpful, I will offer individual Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) sessions for one or both of you to reprocess trauma so you can more easily move forward together. (We can discuss this when we plan the Intensive).

As we wrap up our work together, we’ll discuss the next steps to support your relationship.


This could mean connecting with long-term individual or relationship therapists, scheduling a follow-up Intensive, or outside reading/podcasts/classes/retreats you will focus on together.


We’ll reflect together on what you’ve learned and how these insights and skills will continue to shift your relationship for the better.

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Intensives aren’t for everyone or every situation. Please consider the following.


An Intensive isn’t an option if:

People experiencing anything mentioned above need ongoing support, and an Intensive structure is contraindicated at this time.

Please get in touch with me if you have questions about any of the above contraindications. I’m happy to speak with you to assess whether an Intensive is a good fit.

*For additional resources, please see FAQs below.

Relationship Therapy Intensive FAQ

Intensives are a comprehensive, premium service, as reflected in the financial investment. A one-day, 6-hour Intensive is $2250, and a two-day, 12-hour Intensive is $4500. Adding or subtracting hours will adjust the cost. To begin with, we will schedule a 90-minute planning session to map out your goals and get a good picture of where the relationship is at; the fee for that session is $375. At that time, we will book your Intensive, and a non-refundable 25% deposit is required (the remaining 75% is payable on the first day of the Intensive). 

The dates of your Intensive will be securely held for seven days, and I will need all of your completed forms in the client portal by the end of that week so I can better prepare for our work together. If the forms are not completed by then, the dates for the Intensive will no longer be held for you. If, for some reason, you need to reschedule the Intensive, you can reschedule within one month of the original date. 

Insurance may reimburse you for part of the Intensive. You will need to call your insurance company and ask if you have out-of-network mental health benefits, what your out-of-network deductible is, and what percentage is reimbursed after you meet the deductible. I am happy to provide you with a superbill if you want reimbursement for part of the Intensive. I cannot guarantee if or what your insurance company will reimburse you. We can speak more about this during the initial consultation.

Intensives last 6-12 hours and 1-2 days. I hold them on Fridays and Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. During the initial 90-minute session, we will decide on the dates and length for your Intensive.

Please get in touch with me through the Contact page or by phone to schedule a consultation. These are 20-minute appointments during which we will talk about your goals and figure out whether an Intensive fits your needs. If you decide to schedule an Intensive, we will meet for a 90-minute session to examine your relationship more deeply and plan the Intensive. In that 90-minute session, we’ll decide on the Intensive’s dates and length.

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Let’s step into a new way of being together.

It takes courage to notice where you're at and move towards what you want.

Book a consultation call now.

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